Today is the day that no one in my family is really looking forward to. It's been a year since our sweet Lydia has gone to be with Jesus. It's a day that as a family, we are facing together and knowing that Jesus is our strength through it all. I have learned more things from that little girl than from anyone that I have ever known. People can tell you things until you are blue in the face, but when you experience them, it becomes a whole new world. I realize that today (and for the past year), I have had a choice. I can either choose to mourn my niece and question why she isn't here. Or, I can rejoice in the fact that I had a chance to know her and be so thankful for all the things that I have seen Jesus do through her. It's amazing how easy it is to allow satan to pull me into the mourning and questioning God. It can be VERY hard! But in the end, from day to day, I trust Jesus to pick me up and hold me when I have those hard moments.
Today...today my heart aches. My heart hurts. My heart is sad. It was today a year ago that I got that dreaded phone call while I was on my break at work. The phone call that I had dreaded for 8 months and 8 days. It's today that brings back a week of hard times with my family. Let me say though, that even though I miss Lydia, and I miss visiting her, and bringing her cupcakes, and holding her while she seizures, and listening to her noises, and taking her for walks, and helping her eat...I WILL rejoice. Jesus has used her in incredible ways. My heart aches for my brother and sister, but I pray that today they can rejoice as well.
Earlier this year I was on a retreat with my youth group and the band there played this song. I have been going over it and over it in the past week and I thought about this sweet girl.
please watch this video, it's incredible.
In memory of this sweet girl, I am going to run another triathlon this year. This year Scott and I are running it together to celebrate the life that Jesus has given us.
Today, and everyday, I remember that Lydia is made new and rejoicing with Jesus!
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