Yesterday I finally made it to church after being away for a few weeks and then being sick and I realized how much I love my church family. It's so amazing to be at church and be surrounded by people that care and pray and love like no other group of people that I have ever met. To me thats part of what church is, a great community of people supporting each other. So if you are someone from my church family, I love you guys and appreciate you!
Here's what's going on with me. I am not starting my 5th week of having headaches. These aren't just little headaches like "oh I've been out in the sun to long" or "I haven't had my coffee or diet coke yet" kind of headaches. These are the kind where you want to curl up in your bed, close all the blinds to make it dark, and sleep your headache away. I do have to say that for the most part I have adjusted pretty well and function through most of my days in a somewhat normal way. But then there are other days, where I just am done and go to bed at 7 because I can't be awake anymore.
So what are we doing about all of this... Well, I have been to appointment after appointment. They have decided that it has nothing to do with the baby, which is good. But, because of the baby, I can't be on a lot of medications that they would normally put me on. So, they have ruled out sinus infections and not can't figure out what's going on. So I had an MRI done on Friday and haven't gotten any results back yet. We are just hoping for some answers and pray that the baby is okay with the meds that I am taking.
Please pray, and thank you for praying!!!
Liz and Scott and Little One!
Hi Liz and Scott,
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about you and praying for you. Joyce